long-term investing

When you are thinking about what to spend your money on in your salon business remember that long-term investments are always the smart choice.

What do I mean by long-term investments? I’m talking about things that don’t produce returns right away. Things that you have to pay for and you only see the benefits from that money months later.

It’s really hard to do this sometimes because we are a society of instant gratification. We want results right now. We want to see the fruits of our labor within 48 hours…PRIME 2 day shipping has ruined us! LOL!


brandie bracy long-term investingbrandie bracy long-term investing

brandie bracy long-term investing

But sometimes the most valuable investments you can make are the ones that take the longest to produce results. It can be hard for us to choose sometimes between what we know will be beneficial down the road and what we can get our hands on right now.


Take business coaching. $2,000?! Woah… but if it makes you $20,000 in a year, was it worth it? But tell them the latest iPhone just came out and it’s $1,000 and it doesn't make you anything. Choosing to pay for business coaching instead helps you learn skills that can never be taken away and will last long after the latest version of the iPhone is replaced with the next version.

This is usually the mentality when people are trying to decide whether or not to hire a business coach. They have trouble justifying the cost. But what they are not thinking about is that they are paying for years of experience and tons of skills and expertise that their coach will be bringing to the table. The time that they are saving by not having to learn these skills and gain the experience on their own makes having a coach priceless! They have a mentor, and built-in support to guide them so they don’t make missteps that can cost them precious time and large amounts of money.


Another smart investment is outsourcing administrative tasks. Things like bookkeeping, social media, marketing, etc. These are tasks that you can hire out so they are not taking time away from your clients. Serving your clients is what makes you money (and makes you happy), and serving more people with the time you save, means you can afford to outsource the tasks that don’t light you up.

It’s really all about perspective.


You have to look at investments as what is going to save you time and energy and get you to your end goal. Yes, you can invest in all the pretty things, have a salon that is full of bling, marble floors and chandeliers and clients will be impressed; but will it be worth it if you are still stuck trying to learn how to grow and scale with no one in your corner leading the way.



Spend your money on things that last and things that will free up your time so you can focus on what you do best…serving your clients!!


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