salon business coach

As a salon owner, I know you work hard. There are lots of moving parts in your business and serving your clients well is one of your top priorities.

So when a salon professional sets a goal to grow and expand their business it can be challenging because they either
A) don't have time to devote to developing business strategies
B) simply don't have enough time to figure out where to start.

If you are a salon owner seeking to grow and expand, do you fall into one of these categories? If so, let me know in the comments.

The good news is, you don't have to do it alone!!


brandie coach


The term ‘salon business coach' may be one that you have not heard before, or maybe you have heard it but you just don't know what a salon business coach does. So I'm here to explain.

A salon business coach will guide you to set up and/or grow your salon business. This may include identifying and clarifying business goals, developing strategies for marketing, staffing & booking, identifying appropriate business software, determining what services are most profitable, setting up retail components, identifying blindspots and areas where you are losing money or have the potential to make more money, walking you through the set up or re-configuration of your business, setting up processes and systems for daily, monthly, quarterly and annual tasks.

There is more that they can do too but this is a good start!

I go into more detail about what a business coach can do in one of my previous blogs, check it out HERE.


Having someone to guide you, discuss your challenges and hold you accountable to get things done can make all the difference. More often than not, salon owners feel like they are on an island because they do most of the business side of things on their own. Having a salon business coach means you have a partner and a mentor, so you are never alone!

Are you ready to have the salon business you want in 2022?

Text “2022” to 615-455-3297 and I'll give you the first step.




brandie bracy graphics for salon business