accountability equals results

Accountability equals results in business and in life. When someone is counting on you for something you try harder to make sure you’re doing a good job because you don’t want to let that person down. Because you are trying harder and more committed to the task, you are more likely to produce results.

Think about it, when you work together with someone on a team or with a partner, you get things done quicker and are usually more driven. That drive comes from wanting to show your team or partner that you are taking your job seriously and that, in turn, you can be taken seriously.

If you work on a job or task alone, you may still be motivated and want to do a good job, but ultimately if you don’t, then the only one who knows or who is affected is you. It’s easier to let yourself down and get past the disappointment than to let someone else down.

We also know that the motivation to show others we are capable will keep us on track so we don’t let ourselves down or give up when things get hard.




This is very common when someone starts a new fitness program. They will recruit an accountability partner to workout with them or follow the new diet with them. It’s easy to take a day off or give in to temptation when no one will notice and no one will be disappointed in you. But if you have a partner waiting for you at the gym then you are less likely to skip out on that workout because someone is there to hold you accountable.


The same concept applies to people in the beauty industry. I was coaching a client the other day and she was just having a rough day and was comparing herself to others. She would have NEVER sent a text message out without having me to encourage her when she was having a rough day; Because of that, she booked over $300 in appointments. Just knowing that someone will be checking in on you and supporting you can make all the difference.

When you are putting in the effort and working hard to show someone else that you can do it, then your productivity increases and results start to come.



As a salon business coach, I am there to hold my clients accountable, but not by coming down on them when they miss a deadline or don’t meet a goal. I hold them accountable by guiding them, reminding them how much they are capable of and cheering them on every step of the way!


Want to know more about how a salon business coach can help hold you accountable?  Text ‘ACCOUNTABILITY' to 615-455-3297 and let's chat!


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