stages of growth in salon business

What are the stages of growth in a salon business?

All salon businesses go through stages of growth. Although all businesses move at their own pace and may move more slowly or more quickly through each stage than other salons, your salon will experience the highs and lows of each stage.

Each stage comes with its own set of challenges but they also come with wins and motivation to move to the next stage of growth!

So let’s dive in and talk about each stage.


Stage #1 – Awareness

At this stage you are getting your business out into the world. You are building your foundation and beginning to market your salon, and yourself, so that people will want to come and see what you are all about. You are establishing your brand and hiring staff.


Stage #2 – Growth

In this stage you have established your business, worked out some of the kinks and you are growing your clientele. You are seeing new clients come in regularly and there is buzz in the community about your salon. This is great! You are growing and your book is filling up!


Stage #3 – Systems

Now that you have grown a consistent client base and you are staying busy you start to put some systems into place to streamline tasks and open up time for more growth. Your systems may include online booking, bookkeeping, payroll management, text marketing, email marketing, website, social media accounts, etc.

Stage #4 – Scaling

After growing your business and putting the proper systems in place you will get to a point where you are ready to scale. Scaling is when you start to use your resources and systems to be more productive, expand your services and get more out of your business, without putting in more time. This stage requires you to develop and implement strategies and narrow your client focus.

Stage #5 – Mastermind

This is a great explanation of a mastermind: “Your mastermind group is like having an objective board of directors, a success team, and a peer advisory group — all rolled into one.” (The Success Alliance, What is a Mastermind Group? A Definition and tutorials)

In a mastermind group, you will both give and receive advice because you have experiences that you can share and other members have different experiences that you need more info on. If you have reached a level of success in your business and want to go even further, you may be ready for a salon mastermind group.

salon owner

Each stage of growth for your salon business takes time but don’t rush through because each stage is necessary to build the foundation for the next stage. Stay focused on your goals during each stage and as you meet your goals you will know when you have shifted into the next stage.


Don’t get discouraged if you feel like you are spinning your wheels. There will always be detours and things that take a little longer than you would like them to.


Where are you at in the stages of growth for your salon business? Do you need help getting ‘unstuck’ and pressing forward into the next stage?


Make sure to follow me on IG and FB for inspiration and tips and get on my text list so you have a direct line to me to get encouragement and reach out for help when you are stuck.

Text what stage you are in to 615-455-3297,  I'd love to hear from you!



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