
Are you a salon owner and a mom? If so, that makes you a ‘mompreneur’.

Mompreneurs are moms are are also entrepreneurs and when you add those two titles together you end up with a whole lot of important duties that you are responsible for because they are both big, important roles.

The key to being a successful mompreneur is learning how to balance all the duties so that you can be present and committed to both roles.

I want to share a few tips I have learned throughout my years of being a mompreneur on how you can have balance and not lose sight of what is really important.

#1 – Boundaries

It is so important to set boundaries and maintain them at all costs. Knowing what your priorities are and then creating boundaries to protect them. If you allow your boundaries to shift then you will end up letting work obligations creep into family time and that can be a slippery slope you don’t want to go down.

#2 – Self-Care

Self-care is kind of a trendy topic right now and we hear a lot about it on social media and for good reason; you cannot put your own needs on the back burner and expect to excel in family and business affairs. You have to take care of your physical and mental health, AND you also need time to rest and recharge if you want to be successful in any part of your life.

# 3 – Schedule Everything

Planning things out ahead of time is the key to making sure everything gets done. It’s natural to plan out your work tasks/schedule, but what may not come as naturally is scheduling in time for family, friends and yourself. Even blocking off free time where you have no work or family obligations is necessary if you want to have free time.

#4 – Ask for Help

You do not have to be superwoman, asking for help is actually a sign of a confident mom and business owner. No one can do it all alone, when it comes to running a business or being a mom. If you need a break or need to outsource a task, then reach out to a friend or family member and ask for help. There should never be shame attached to admitted you can’t do it all alone.

Being a mompreneur is hard work, no matter what industry she works in; and I see first hand all the moms who run salon businesses putting in that hard work every day.

So I just want to say, I see you and you are amazing! I hope these tips help in some way and if you already do these things then keep it up! You are setting such a good example for your kids and you should definitely be proud of yourself!!


brandie bracy salon coach