Welcome to the new weekly blog, where I’ll be sharing tips & tricks to help YOU – salon owner – grow your local business by using online marketing strategies & resources. From creating better work and life balance, to saving time in your schedule, and making more money as a salon owner, booth renter, salon suite owner, or esthetician… come back here every single week for the latest tips & tricks to grow your salon business!


5 ways to save time in your beauty business in 2021 | Brandie Bracy

Hey, friends! It is Brandie here. Today we are going to talk about burnout. It is real & we are going to talk about how to avoid it.

Have you ever felt the negative effects of burnout? I know I have as a business owner.

I’m going to share 3 easy, actionable steps in today’s training to help you avoid burnout as a salon business owner & balance your busy schedule with much-needed self care.

Let’s dive in…

3 Easy Steps to Avoid Burnout as a Salon Business Owner


Here’s what I talk about in today’s video training…


[1:09] How to set your schedule the right way – including why adding “business time” is crucial

[2:24] The #1 thing NOT to do when setting your schedule to avoid burnout

[3:09] How to decide what to outsource in your business…  (Are you ready to up-level your business? Make sure to sign up for the Salon Business Academy Course waitlist HERE!)

[3:15] Why you need to schedule in self care time (& how to make sure can afford it no matter what stage of business you are in) 

[4:30] How to STOP “working people in” & the blow-your-mind tip for WHY you need to stop doing this right now…


Make sure to tune into today’s video training to start finding better work and life balance while up-leveling your salon business the right way (which means avoiding burnout & making more money, too!)

Tell me, which 1 of the 3 tips would you like to learn more about? Text me @ +1 (615) 455-3297 & let me know … Click below to JOIN my text group & never miss a LIVE training again!

Brandie Bracy,
Salon Business Coach