Welcome to the new weekly blog, where I’ll be sharing tips & tricks to help YOU – salon owner – grow your local business by using online marketing strategies & resources. From creating better work and life balance, to saving time in your schedule, and making more money as a salon owner, booth renter, salon suite owner, or esthetician… come back here every single week for the latest tips & tricks to grow your salon business!


Top 3 Social Media Planning Apps for Salon Owners Brandie Bracy

Hey, friends! It is Brandie here. Today I want to share some words of encouragement & share 3 of our Salon Business Academy students success stories with you.

Why am I sharing these stories with you? Because sometimes you think “That’s not possible for me…” or “I’m doing fine just the way things are…” And I want to share inspiration for what could be possible for you, too! 

If you’re wanting to grow your beauty business so you can take time off, hire more employees, increase your retails sales, & so much more… this video is for you.

I’m going to share 3 different stories of salon business owners – just like you – who have grown their business, regained control of their time, & made more money from what they’ve learned inside the Salon Business Academy!

Let’s dive in…

3 Student Success Stories From Salon Business Academy


Here’s what I talk about in today’s video training…


[0:16] Why I’m sharing these 3 Salon Business Academy members’ stories with you…

[0:45] How one Salon Business Academy member has booked 370 NEW clients in her commission salon with only 5 working stylists… & taken more time off this year than ever before

[1:40] How Salon Business Academy helped a salon owner (just like you!) build her own website & increase retail sales  (Don’t have a website yet or you’re ready to up-level your business? Make sure to sign up for the Salon Business Academy 4 Day CHALLENGE here – starts on August 16th!)

[2:52] Why an esthetician went from working for someone else to thriving in her own business by bringing in 40-50 new clients per month by utilizing text marketing & making over $1200+ with just 1 text blast

[3:44] How Salon Business Academy helped another salon owner pivot her business during COVID & open her own salon to help provide for her family & make her own schedule 


Make sure to tune into today’s video to find inspiration through these 3 amazing ladies’ stories for growing your salon business & start to believe what’s possible for you, too!

Click the photo below to sign up for my FREE CHALLENGE 4 night learning opportunity to get your time back as a salon owner! Starts on August 16th!

Brandie Bracy,
Salon Business Coach